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一般在会议结束的时候,你可以说:年末将至,非常感谢大家一年来的支持!让我们展望更辉煌的年度吧! 开会发言时,先给大家拜个早年,祝大家新年快乐! 在会议中加入拜年的话术可以提升团队的凝聚力,增强员工间的友好关系,并传递出公司对员工的关怀和祝福。




Dear Tom,
Hello. I’m glad to know that you’re coming to China with your parents. Now let me tell you a little bit about Chinese New Year celebrations.
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China. It usually falls in late January or early February. During this festival, people celebrate the coming of a new year and wish for good luck, health, and prosperity. The celebrations last for about two weeks and include various customs and traditions.
One of the most noticeable traditions is the Spring Festival couplets. These are poetic verses written on red paper and pasted on both sides of the front door. They are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. Another popular custom is the lion dance, where performers dress up as lions and dance to the beat of drums and cymbals. This dance is believed to bring good fortune and drive away evil spirits.
During Chinese New Year, families gather together to have a reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. This is a time for family members to come together, share a delicious meal, and exchange gifts and good wishes. It is also common to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the celebrations, as they are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.
I hope this brief introduction gives you a glimpse of how we celebrate Chinese New Year in China. I\'m sure you will have a wonderful time experiencing the festive atmosphere and unique traditions. Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!
Best regards,
Li Hua




Translation: The atmosphere of Spring Festival
Celebrating the New Year, every household is truly happy. The New Year really brings a new atmosphere. Of course, every place has its own way of celebrating. Do you want to know how we celebrate in my hometown? Come and follow me!
The first day of the lunar calendar is called \"Spring Festival\". Early in the morning, people put on new clothes and visit relatives and friends to exchange New Year greetings. The elders give children lucky money and wish them good health and academic success in the coming year. Firecrackers and fireworks can be heard everywhere, creating a festive and lively atmosphere. People also prepare sumptuous feasts to enjoy with their families, and various traditional activities such as lion dances, dragon dances, and lantern festivals are held. The whole Spring Festival is full of joy and happiness.
I hope you have a general understanding of the Spring Festival through this brief introduction. It is a time of reunion, celebration, and new beginnings. Wishing you a happy and prosperous Spring Festival!
Best regards,
Li Hua


1. 创造优惠活动:可以推出特价团购套餐,包括丰盛的年夜饭套餐或特色节日菜品套餐。提供优惠的价格和吸引人的口味,吸引更多顾客前来团购。
2. 利用社交媒体:在微信、微博等社交平台上发布团购信息,并配以精美图片和吸引人的文案。可以邀请一些影响力较大的KOL或网红合作推广,增加曝光度和口碑。
3. 营造节日氛围:餐厅可以装饰整洁、温馨,增加节日元素,如春联、对联、灯笼等。在餐厅门口设置宣传展示牌,介绍团购套餐的优惠细节和特色菜品,吸引路人的目光。
4. 客户分享和口碑传播:顾客对于好吃好玩的体验通常会分享给他们的朋友和家人,这将带来更多的潜在顾客。餐厅可以鼓励顾客在社交媒体上分享团购体验,或者提供一些优惠券、返利等激励顾客将团购信息分享给他人。


1. 亲友身体都很好!家人邻居,家人和齐赚钱(生菜)!年轻时谦虚,勤勉劝告(青椒);年老时要坚强,才干(花椰菜)强于此!
2. 稳步上升-黄瓜酿造新鲜虾紫万事如意;
3. 甜甜蜜蜜-白糖甜口草莓情深;
4. 快乐幸福-甜美柠檬快乐多;
5. 幸福安康-双喜临门桃花笑开;
6. 金玉满堂-金玉欣赏,丰收好景,百事可乐;
7. 万事如意-年年有余中就业鸳鸯,喜洋洋蛇吞象财继续。


1. 视频祝福:员工可以录制一段个人视频,向他们的同事或上级发送新年祝福。在视频中可以表演节目、展示才艺或分享个人愿望。这可以增加亲切感和友好氛围。
2. 制作手工贺卡:员工可以动手制作精美的贺卡,可以用剪纸、折纸等手工艺术技巧,设计出独特的贺卡形式。在贺卡上写上个性化的祝福语,让祝福更加特别和温暖。
3. 举办小型活动:员工可以组织一些小型的新年活动,如员工茶话会、新年晚会、游戏比赛等等。通过团队合作和互动,增进员工间的感情,使新年的祝福更加真挚和美好。


1. 正月销售非常关键。因为正月是中国传统节日,