> 文章列表 > 最后我们要去拜年的英文




People go to pay a New Year call.

拜年是中国传统的文化活动,每年春节期间,人们会前往亲朋好友的家中互道新春祝福。在英文中,可以表达为\"People go to pay a New Year call\"。


We go to our grandparents\' house to pay New Year\'s call.

春节期间,我们会去祖父母的家中拜年。拜年是一种表达对长辈祝福和尊敬的方式,也是亲情的体现。因此,在英文中可以说\"We go to our grandparents\' house to pay New Year\'s call\"。


I will go to my uncle\'s to wish them a happy new year.

如果要表达将要去叔叔家拜年的意思,可以说\"I will go to my uncle\'s to wish them a happy new year\"。拜年是传统文化的一部分,是表达新年祝福和问候的方式。


拜年:play New Year\'s Visits.

利是:red envelope, lucky money.

年夜饭:New Year\'s Eve dinner.

大年三十:the last day of the year.

在中国,拜年是传统习俗,我们会在大年三十这一天全家人团聚共进年夜饭,并在新年来临之际互相拜年。可以用英文表达为\"play New Year\'s Visits\",而利是则可以翻译为\"red envelope\"或\"lucky money\"。年夜饭可以说成\"New Year\'s Eve dinner\",表示新年前夜的一顿重要的晚餐。而大年三十则可以简单地译为\"the last day of the year\",指的是农历年的最后一天。


上门拜年:pay a New Year\'s visit to.

电话拜年:pay New Year\'s call.

短信拜年:send New Year\'s greetings.

在中国,拜年是一个非常重要的文化活动,人们通常会亲自上门去老友家与亲朋好友道贺新春。这种方式可以用英文表达为\"pay a New Year\'s visit to\"。而在现代社会,随着通讯技术的发展,也出现了通过电话或短信来拜年的方式。因此,电话拜年可以说成\"pay New Year\'s call\",而短信拜年则可以翻译为\"send New Year\'s greetings\"。


Where are you now? You two o\'clock come to my house! I\'ll take you to my home and pay New Year\'s call together!!

拜年是中国文化的一部分,每年春节期间,人们会互相拜年并送上新春祝福。可以用英文表达为:\"Where are you now? You two o\'clock come to my house! I\'ll take you to my home and pay New Year\'s call together!!\"。


I would like to first wish you a happy Chinese New Year.

春节是中国最重要的传统节日,表示新年快乐可以用英文表达为\"I would like to first wish you a happy Chinese New Year.\"。这是一句礼貌而真诚的祝福语,用于向对方表达新年的祝福和良好的祝愿。


Spring Festival is China\'s traditional festivals, this year\'s Spring Festival is on January 26, when people will go to their relatives\' and friends\' homes to pay New Year\'s visits and wish them a happy new year.

春节是中国的传统节日之一,每年的春节日期不同,今年的春节是1月26日。在这个日子里,人们会去拜访亲戚和朋友的家,互相道贺新春并表达新年祝福。可以用英文表达为\"Spring Festival is China\'s traditional festivals, this year\'s Spring Festival is on January 26, when people will go to their relatives\' and friends\' homes to pay New Year\'s visits and wish them a happy new year.\"。


Today my parents and I went to my grandma\'s and said \"happy new year\" to her.

拜年是表达对长辈祝福和尊敬的方式之一。如果要表达今天去姥姥家给姥姥拜年的意思,可以用英文表达为\"Today my parents and I went to my grandma\'s and said \'happy new year\' to her.\"。在这一天,我们会向姥姥表达新年祝福并表达对她的敬意。